Sunday, October 20, 2013

Scalloped Slippers {POTM}

Hello, hello!

I can't seem to stop making slippers, peeps! I made these and these and then I made ...

... these!

They are a riff on the Crazy Easy Kid Slippers, but I changed them to fit my size 6.5 feet and added a funky border. I think it ended up looking kind of art deco-ish. Me likey.

They are comfy, warm and keep Cheerios from sticking to my feet! 

I used With Love yarn from Red Heart (acrylic) so I can wash them. You can use any worsted weight you have on hand; just make sure it feels good on your toesies! This pattern is a ladies size 6-7, but I've made notes on how to adjust it to make it larger or smaller in the pattern. As always, if something doesn't make sense, please leave a comment or shoot me an email at!

Abbreviations are as follows:
ch = chain
sl st = slip stitch
dc = double crochet

MC = main color (black)
CC = contrast color (lavender)
Scallops in this pattern are made by working 6 dc into one stitch.

G hook

ROUND 1: With MC, in magic adjustable ring, ch 3. 11 dc.  Join to beginning ch 3. (12 dc)

ROUND 2: Ch 3, dc in same stitch. Dc in next stitch. *2 dc in next stitch, dc in next stitch*. Repeat from * to * around to end. Join to beginning ch 3. (18 dc)

ROUND 3: Ch 3, dc in same stitch. Dc in next two stitches. *2 dc in next stitch, dc in next two stitches*. Repeat from * to * around to end. Join to beginning ch 3. (24 dc)

ROUND 4: Ch 3, dc in each stitch around. Join. (24 dc)

ROUND 5 (same as round 4): Ch 3, dc in each stitch around. Join. (24 dc)

ROUND 6: Ch 3. Dc in next 14 stitches. Ch 3. Turn. (15 dc).

ROUND 7: Dc in next 14 stitches. Ch 3. Turn (15 dc).

ROUND 8 - 16: Repeat round 7.

Try your slipper on to see if it fits. If not, add a few more rows (following instructions for round 7) until the edges almost touch behind your heel.

Tie off, leaving at least six inches of yarn for sewing.

Now make another one!

When you're done, fold each slipper in half and whip stitch up the back seams.

For the edging:

Join CC in the top of the back seam. 

*6 dc in top of next row to form a scallop. Sl st in next row*. (I like to insert the hook just under the last dc or ch 3 of the seam for a cleaner look). Repeat from * to * along edge. 

When you get to the toe, sl st in the corner. *Skip 1 stitch, 6 dc in next. Skip 1 stitch, sl st in next*. Repeat from * to * along the edge of the toe (I ended up with three scallops across). Sl st in corner edge if you didn't already.

*6 dc in top of next row to form a scallop. Sl st in next row*. Repeat from * to * along remaining edge.

Finish with a sl st in the top of the back seam. 

Tie off.

Join MC in top of the first scallop you made (I insert my hook right in the center of the scallop with 3 dc in either side). *Ch 2, then sl st in top of next scallop*. Repeat from * to * along edge.

When you get to the corner scallops along the toe, *ch 3 instead of two, then sl st in top of next scallop*. Repeat from * to * along toe edge and into the first scallop on the opposite side. *Ch 2, then sl st in top of next scallop*. Repeat from * to * along remaining edge, finishing with a sl st in the scallop you started with.

Finish off. Weave in all ends.


Thanks for stopping by!
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If you notice any mistakes in this pattern or have any questions, please leave a comment. Thanks!

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